Da’Kingdom ofJudah


Da’Kingdom of Judah is not so much as a place to go, as in a building type of setting, but it’s a lifestyle, a place within the hearts of men women, and children.

Judah means praise, so Da’Kingdom of Judah is the kingdom of praise and thanks. Praise and thanks unto our Ancestors from within us for the life we have been granted to live, knowing that the promise and faithfulness of their prayers will not fail nor come up short no matter how hard things may seem.

That is because here at Da’Kingdom of Judah, we walk by faith and not by sight, to achieve the site we not only want to see but the site we want to walk and live in. For it was a promise unto us, For it is written, “a double minded person is unstable in their ways.”

So with that being said, Da’Kingdom of Judah’s aim is to to get those individuals  who choose to be single minded on one accord, so that we all may prosper in all areas of life for the better lifestyle of living without being double-minded & unstable.

Da’Kingdom of Judah is designed for those individuals looking to change, improve or grow spiritually,  economically, and naturally so that (they/we) may make a positive impact in life for generations to come.

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