His & Her Majesty

There are three branches here at Da’Kingdom of Judah, His Majesty, Her Majesty & The Philanthropic Network, yet they all are united as a whole for humanity to thrive .

His & Her Majesty is a mentoring program not only for our children but for adults as well. Although, the children are our main focus because they are the future generation that will keep life in a developmental motion of growth.


                                                          His Majesty  

His Majesty is designed to teach and raise young boys to become men: spirituality, morally & economically.

That they may know how to honor & show respect for themselves, their queen & their family as a whole with proper etiquette . That they may provide & protect them as a man/king should.

 Although life has dealt a few of us a crappy hand doesn’t mean we are less than a man or the kings we are, that was just a part of life.

A part of life that has molded us to become stronger & positively affluential, that we may raise up generations of young boys to become the men, the kings they were born to be; let us not be hard on ourselves.

We have to move past that pain & hurt, open our eyes to the truth of our birthright & do what we have to, that we may rightfully enjoy this life we were given. To raise ourselves & our families up out of the struggles of life that we can control.

                                                          Her Majesty   

Her Majesty is not much different than His Majesty, of course, it is for the young ladies that they may know how to honor & show respect for themselves, their king & their family as a whole. It is designed to help teach them proper etiquette & how to become affluential young ladies/queens with true self-value.

By targeting their focus on the center of self-respect, self-esteem, and the dignity that will help uphold the honor of their family & queenhood.

To expand their thoughts and horizons beyond their own cultural upbringing, allowing them to be creative and self-sufficient while helping in the upbuilding of the family/kingdom structure with her husband/king.

By doing so, this will open up different avenues for her spiritually, mentally and economically. Helping her to cultivate her skills to have a productive and cohesive environment for her family/kingdom & lifestyle if she so chooses too.


                      His & Her Majesty, what’s needed…?

In order for His & Her to be successful, the program needs family participation, mentors of the community, those with the desire to help more than themselves.

Those of us with different dreams, gifts, & talents to step up & fulfill our role in life. Believe it or not, you are one of our biggest assets that will help raise our children & nation to the standard we want to see.

 Da’Kingdom of Judah is not only looking for those who are already successful, but also those who are striving to be successful.

 Although we’re not the crab’s society would like us to be, it’s past time for us to unite.  That we may break the enslavement mindset that we are crabs in a barrel holding each other back and return to our natural state of living. It’s time to return to our natural lifestyle before we were given that mindset of struggle just for survival.

How can we expect our young kings & queens to know and grow into their own birthright, that they may develop if they are not seeing and receiving continual grooming and motivation from the elders within us as us?

It’s past time that we sit enthroned, claiming & walking out our birthrights from within while governing our children properly, showing them how it’s done with style & class.

The programs here at Da’Kingdom of Judah are targeted to promote family wellness and achievement on all levels, that we all may grow together. Breaking that cycle of generational poverty, cultural unawareness, and community desertion, so that we may rebuild our family, our communities & our nation as a whole.

 So, what’s needed? You are, you are needed in your family, your communities & most importantly, your present and future, you owe it to yourself to be the best & truth of you & share it with the world around you, be it near or far.


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