How it works…

 How does the Philanthropic Network work and how do you market it?

The Philanthropic Network is one big on-going fundraiser, tailored to fit your heart’s desire for economic empowerment and freedom, that your goals of life might be a little easier to reach. 

The sponsorship program is designed for you to be sponsored and help sponsor someone else as an affiliate. When sponsoring someone or organization instead of getting a thank you card, you now have a platform to help grow the funds for your own business or organization

 In short, you are now a business owner for your own cause whatever it may be, even if it’s just to earn extra money.

As stated, this is not a MLM program, ( ex: when you obtain a sponsor & that person who sponsored you goes out & get 5 sponsors, those are their sponsors for their cause, so you must continue to do the same, get sponsors for your cause. ) Each individual or organization only holds sponsors that they obtain for their cause, there’s no 2nd or 3rd down line, this is not a pyramid, it’s your business.

Posting on social media, hosting events, pod casting, word of mouth,  anything that’s authentically you, just do it, share out your personal web page from Da’Kingdom as an affiliate ( ex: ) & promote yourself while fulfilling your dreams.

All you’re doing is branding and marketing yourself, you are your own business and those who sponsor you can now do the same for themselves and others, it’s  something we do everyday, now we can build and add multiple streams of income while doing so.

Just purchase The Tongues of Currency subscription manual for only $5 the first month and $50 each month afterwards and be prosperously authentically you.

There are many ways to market, just be honest and positive.

Example ways & reasons why to join and market…

  1. Have your own 401k savings outside of your 9 to 5, coming in every month that you can access anytime you like.

  2. No more payday, title or unnecessary necessary loans if it can be helped.

  3. Take personal or family vacations with a little extra spending money, all while promoting if you like since there are no limitations of regions.

  4. College funds, business start up, building funds, etc. I mean the possibilities of reasons are endless…

  5. Our focus here at Da’Kingdom of Judah is not only cultural awareness, but to help individuals and families get out of the economic rat race, that more time can be spent working on your dreams and with your family.

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